What is Periodontitis?
Do you know about Periodontitis?
Periodontitis is not well known. This infection affects a large part of the population. It is often associated with dental plaque and yellow teeth. If you have swollen gums with a purplish color, you may have periodontitis ?
What is periodontitis?
Periodontitis is a disease of the tissues surrounding the teeth. It originates from bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the teeth. It is distinguished in two forms, chronic periodontitis which is the least serious due to its slow development. Aggressive periodontitis which affects the youngest and the more serious with a rapid development. These last two can be caused by aggregates of bacteria or by a sudden weakness of the immune system. Certain factors can amplify its development such as smoking or certain infections. The main symptom of periodontitis is bleeding gums. When it is aggravated, periodontitis induces a deterioration of the dental tissues sometimes going as far as the tooth loosening.
Who is affected by this infection?
Severe periodontitis mainly affects young people under 30 years of age. About 0.2% of the European population suffers from aggressive periodontitis , among Americans the figures rise to 10%. Nearly 50% of adults over 40 years of age are affected by this disease on a regular basis. It is sometimes underestimated and is poorly detected due to the lack of visits to the dentist.
How to treat it?
Before treating it, you need to do some preventive work. You need to brush your teeth regularly to limit the development of plaque and thus infection. Make sure to see a dentist at least once a year to ensure that your teeth are healthy. During these visits, scaling will be your best friend. If periodontitis is present and persists, you may turn to surgery. Depending on your case, the dental surgeon may perform bone grafting, regenerate tissue or approach the root of the tooth to free it from tartar.
In order to protect yourself from periodontitis , you can discover Caliquo wooden toothbrushes for impeccable oral hygiene. They will be very good allies and what's more they are ecological: wooden toothbrush .
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