Discovering organic fabric handkerchiefs
Adopt organic fabric handkerchiefs
Organic tissues are making a comeback in our pockets at a time when we are constantly looking for eco-friendly solutions to avoid polluting the environment. You might think that it is disgusting, old-fashioned and less hygienic, but that is not the case. Indeed, organic tissues are soft, absorbent, reusable, less irritating, effective and durable, so you have an interest in adopting them.
The benefits of organic fabric handkerchiefs
Organic fabric handkerchiefs produce less waste, and that's good for our environment. In addition, they are designed in materials that respect the planet. By adopting them, you will no longer have trash cans full of dirty disposable tissues and the bottom of your pockets full of pills, because you forgot to remove them before washing. Organic fabric handkerchiefs avoid this waste. But also, you will only buy them once, and you can use them again and again, because they are washable and reusable. They can be washed by hand or in the machine. They are also gentle on the skin due to the use of organic fabric. Even in the case of repeated nose blowing, they limit irritation and the ingestion of chemicals, and it is perfect if you have an allergy or if you have a cold. You should know that they are multi-purpose. They are suitable for wiping tears, for decorating a suit pocket, for use at the table, for removing a stain... In terms of hygiene, they are no less hygienic than paper handkerchiefs. Germs can settle in them, so you will have to wash them after use, as you do with a handkerchief that is thrown away after use. Unlike disposable models, organic fabric handkerchiefs are available in different colors, shapes and patterns to suit everyone's tastes: men, women and children.
The use and care of organic fabric handkerchiefs
Organic tissues are very easy to use. Just blow your nose, fold and repeat. Start in one corner, and gradually move to the opposite side. They are large enough to allow you to blow your nose several times. They will dry between each use, because nasal discharge is made of water if you are healthy. But when they are dirty, put them in the laundry basket, and take another clean tissue. To clean your organic tissues , you can put them in the washing machine with your other clothes and run the machine at 60 ° C, it is without bleach or fabric softener. Then, dry in the dryer. Use a washing net to easily find them at the end of the cycle. But you can also clean them by hand and air dry them since the sun has an antibacterial action. To disinfect your tissues, pass them under a very hot iron. For those of you looking for other eco-friendly alternatives to be more respectful of the planet, Caliquo is your partner, as this French brand offers washable makeup remover wipes and much more.
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