Adopt a zero waste routine
How to achieve zero waste?
Taking a step towards zero waste is a good thing. It will save you money, you will fight against pollution and overconsumption. Making zero waste is not complicated, here we will give you some simple methods to implement to get started on the zero waste approach.
Compost for zero waste
First, if you have the possibility, you can compost your organic waste. Food waste such as vegetable peelings generates almost a third of the waste found in a trash can, ideal for a zero waste approach. So you reduce your waste by making compost. Compost is a very rich natural fertilizer that will provide your plants with the nutrients they need to grow. You will notice a big difference after using compost. There are several methods for making compost. Vermicomposting allows you to make compost in your apartment. Compost is now accessible to everyone, so you might as well take advantage of it.
Zero waste shops
There are specialty stores that sell in bulk. They offer cosmetic, cleaning or food products that are zero waste . These specialty stores are flourishing in France. It is very easy to find one so why not do a little research to find the store closest to you? To reduce packaging we advise you to go shopping at the market. You will need a shopping bag and reusable packaging
Recycle objects
Buying furniture, clothes or household appliances is a good point to explore. In addition to saving money, you will greatly contribute to zero waste . You can also borrow equipment if the need you have is temporary. In addition to recycling, also opt for upcycling by giving a different life to your products and transforming them into quality products.
Adopt a stop pub
Advertising is a scourge for our mailboxes. They are full of advertisements. Each year nearly 31kg of leaflets are produced per household? Using a stop pub is a first barrier that in the long term will reduce the production of all this paper. While waiting to put this stop pub in place, we advise you to sort your waste so that the paper thus thrown away is recycled and move forward in the zero waste approach
Adopt Caliquo products
Caliquo offers various zero waste products that can give you responsible gift ideas . Their rechargeable toothbrushes allow you to make significant savings on plastic. Keep the handle and change the head when the bristles are worn out. They also offerwashable cotton makeup remover wipes . The oriculli (or reusable cotton swab) is also one of their strengths. The wooden ear cleaner can last a lifetime and is very easy to use. Now Caliquo also offers the eco-friendly cotton swab if you have trouble switching to the wooden oriculi.
Our rechargeable toothbrushes , our children's toothbrushes , our razor and our shaving brush .