How to remove bags under the eyes?
Discover our tips against bags under the eyes
The cold
Cold reduces puffiness under the eyes and dark circles. The solution is very simple. You will need two spoons and a tissue.
The night before, put the two spoons in the freezer. It must remain there long enough to reach the temperature of the refrigerator. When you wake up, apply the spoons to your eyes. You can put a tissue between your eyelids and the spoons. Leave them there for a few minutes. After removing them, you will quickly see that your dark circles and bags under your eyes will have reduced. This tip is particularly recommended in case of a short night before going to work.
Tea bags
Tea bags are used in the same way as spoons.
To proceed, you will scald your tea bag as usual, or not. Then once the tea is well infused, remove the bag and let it cool. You can drink the prepared tea, this is not what interests us here. Once the tea bag is lukewarm, apply it to the eyes for about ten minutes. This method is less effective than the previous one. Use it several days in a row to see the effects. The bags under the eyes should quickly reduce.
Compresses also use cold. Cold is ultimately the principle that interests us, which is why there are several methods. You will need two compresses. Place them in the freezer for at least half an hour before using them. Then apply the compresses to each bag under the eyes for about ten minutes. It is very effective against bags under the eyes!
Lack of hydration is a factor that greatly influences the creation of bags under the eyes. It is important to hydrate yourself. Don't forget to drink a liter and a half of water a day. You will see that if you suffer from a lack of hydration and you remedy it, your bags under the eyes will reduce little by little.
The massage
Roll-ons to reduce bags under the eyes are inspired by this method. The goal is to tone the skin of the face by circulating the blood.
With your fingers wide open, tap your face from bottom to top, starting with the neck. Then make small pinches with your thumb and index finger all over your face. After that, concentrate your pinching on the eye contour by pinching for a long time from the inside of the eyes to the outside.
It's up to you to decide which method is the most effective and the one you prefer to remove bags under the eyes.
Why do we have bags under our eyes?
Bags under the eyes are common, there is no need to worry about this, it affects everyone. Bags under the eyes do not happen overnight, they settle on your face over time and are more visible during old age.
The main cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes is age and aging of the skin. The skin will sag and lose firmness.
Then, bags under the eyes can form during the night and appear as soon as you wake up. Lymph can accumulate in the lower eyelid and cause swelling. But don't worry, bags under the eyes fade during the morning. However, they can remain if you have circulation problems.
The last cause of bags under the eyes is allergies (insect bites, for example). They disappear with a treatment adapted to your problem
To conclude, bags under the eyes are signs of old age or poor lifestyle caused by lack of sleep or tobacco and/or alcohol. But there will always be a way to remove bags under the eyes so as not to keep them for life and regain a pretty look!
Difference between bags and dark circles under the eyes
Dark circles under the eyes appear when there is a variation in pigmentation under the skin below your eye. Dark circles under the eyes will tend to make your eyes look hollow.
The bags under the eyes are due to the aging of the skin and these bags will appear as edema compared to dark circles.
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