Zero waste gift ideas

Find a zero waste gift

Whether it's for a special occasion, a birthday or Christmas, we are always looking for a unique and original gift to offer. But the most original gift you could give to your loved ones is certainly to introduce them to the eco-responsible approach through a zero waste gift given the ecological emergency.

The zero waste approach has been launched, and we take advantage of every opportunity by limiting ethical, ecological and economic damage. If you don't know what to offer, here are some eco-responsible gift ideas to steal!

All the possibilities for a zero waste gift

Even if in an eco-responsible approach, we have to forget a lot of gift ideas, it is clear that it allows us to offer truly original gifts, gifts that have required time, thought and imagination. Three options are possible to find a zero waste gift : local artisans, handmade and the second-hand market.

Surely, there are local producers and artisans near you who make surprising and brilliant objects, so take the time to pay them a little visit to find the perfect gift!

Otherwise, you can also make the gift yourself. By the way,
This is the assurance that it meets your expectations. Select the raw materials and ingredients yourself to make it. The second-hand market also offers several possibilities, and by doing so, you prevent products that are still usable and recoverable from being thrown away. In addition, you are not obliged to buy, because it is possible to exchange the items with something you already have. However, the items you are going to buy must not cause problems such as products that consume too much energy.

Zero waste kit, zero waste box or the completely zero waste box made by you

To encourage someone you care about to reduce the size of their trash, give them a zero-waste gift without packaging! Why not opt ​​for a basket filled with bathroom products? For example, put in a natural toothbrush, washable makeup removers, a stainless steel or wooden ear cleaner,

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a cold saponified solid soap, a solid shampoo… You can also give him a shopping kit with a baguette bag, bees wraps, a real bag of any size, a large wicker or cotton tote bag
fabric… So many possibilities!

Another good idea would also be to offer a special outing box including a set of cutlery, a bamboo straw, a stainless steel or glass bottle , a lunch box… To make your zero waste box, don't hesitate to go to organic stores or specialty stores without packaging. These are all practical surprises that allow us to convert our loved ones to zero waste in a fun and gentle way.

Still in the zero waste gift concept, you can also please your loved ones by offering them a book that guides and simplifies the implementation of the zero waste concept. How to start the consumption transition well if not by educating yourself on the subject! This will allow them to start the eco-responsible approach with complete peace of mind. So long live zero waste.

Zero waste gift idea

Zero waste gift idea for men:

A good idea for a 100% wooden gift box.

Zero waste gift idea for women:

A zero waste gift idea to offer to your wife, mother, grandmother, friend, loved one, ...

Zero waste box idea for the whole family:

Here’s how to give a zero waste gift for the whole family.

Zero waste gift idea for couples:

Zero waste gift idea for a couple. Wedding gift idea for example.

Have fun, please those around you and protect the planet at the same time!

zero waste gift

The eco-friendly gift is in keeping with the times

Recently, the eco-friendly gift has become a new gift idea. We find more and more eco-responsible gifts for a birthday or at Christmas. This is when we see that people consume differently and gradually start to change their consumption habits. Zero waste continues its path and ideas are flowing, now you have a choice when you are looking for the famous eco-friendly gift. In addition, zero waste gift packaging is also trendy like furoshiki!

Zero waste gift ideas for everyone

The eco-friendly gift, everyone can have one. Today, you can find a lot of eco-responsible gift ideas in physical stores as well as online and even on social networks.

Some people are not short of ideas because it is not only mom and dad who have the right to an eco-friendly gift. Your baby also has the right to his zero waste gift box : washable and reusable fabrics, natural rubber toys, solid utensils for his meals, etc. After that, you will have a zero waste baby at home!

Discover all our gift boxes to offer to your family, a friend or even to yourself!

But otherwise, what does zero waste mean?

Zero waste is an approach aimed at reducing waste production. This approach shows how to change the way we consume so as to no longer waste and create unnecessary waste. Zero waste is said to be a trend but it is much more than that, it is an approach that makes sense and teaches us to take care of ourselves but also of our planet.

The launch of this zero waste trend offers us a lot of possibilities to change our bad consumption habits.

The zero waste store is in full swing

All these zero waste shops that open every year show that the demand is there and that the French are ready to change for their well-being and that of the environment. The zero waste shop, whether physical or online, will offer you these zero waste gift possibilities in the form of: zero waste box, zero waste box or zero waste kit, as mentioned above.

Where can I find all these ideas on zero waste?

Today, it is impossible to run out of zero waste ideas! There are so many to discover between the zero waste store and even the zero waste blog. Many people are involved in this approach who are there to guide you, advise you, recommend to adopt healthy and eco-responsible alternatives.

Why is it good to do zero waste sewing?

There are many small ideas that you can sew yourself to create your own zero waste accessory. If you have a sewing machine you must have realized that it allows you to recycle and repair. Thus, sewing helps you create alternatives for a zero waste lifestyle.

It's up to you during your zero waste sewing, to take the fabric that you want to recycle with the patterns of your choice and especially to do what you want with it. There are loads of zero waste accessory ideas! Simple example: the washable wipe, a comforter, a cushion cover etc. There will always be pleasure in saying "I made it", which will make your creation unique!

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Our rechargeable toothbrushes , our children's toothbrushes , our razor and our shaving brush .