Developing Your Mustache Style
What style of mustache should you choose?
A few years ago, young men were not interested in moustaches, but recently, things have changed. Wearing a moustache is now a trend among men of all categories. If you want to grow a moustache for a more charming and manly appearance, find the mustache style which suits you by reading carefully what follows.
The original mustache
This mustache style is characterized by its position just above the upper lip. Its size is thick. Different length options exist: 2, 4 and 6 mm. This moustache is appreciated because it is simple, clean, pleasant to look at and easy to maintain. It suits all men. Do not hesitate to use a razor with a fine European wood handle from Caliquo to shave the rest of your face closely.
The horseshoe mustache
This mustache style is what it does to you if you like to stand out. It is differentiated by the lengths of the ends that point downwards, up to the chin. They are cut below the jaw. So there are two long bars, and this is what forms the horseshoe mustache. If you are naturally smiling, this style is perfect. However, if your mouth closes naturally, it can give a sagging face. The horseshoe mustache may bring you luck in life.
The handlebar mustache
This is the mustache style the oldest, and it gives a pretty bold look, but it requires some confidence. The hair starts in the middle of the upper lip. However, to sport it perfectly, you need patience. It takes a few days to get the right length of the frizz at the ends. Once the curls are obtained, they need to be rolled up using wax and twisting them upwards or in a spiral.
The Hitler or toothbrush mustache
It was the actor Charlie Chaplin who popularized this mustache style . It is distinguished by its thick tuft of hair above the upper lip, it is one inch wide. But the mustache must be well centered. The hairs should never be wider than the nose. It is simple to create, and it is maintained daily with a comb and a pair of scissors. However, you have to wait a few months before having the right thickness.
The chevron mustache
The chevron mustache was very fashionable in the 80s. Its particularity is that there is a mustache covering the entire border of the upper lip with ends that point downwards. It has a wide and thick appearance. To have this mustache style , equip yourself with your Caliquo razor to have clean edges.
The mustache in pencil stroke
This mustache style is a more elaborate and thinner version of the original mustache. It is a fairly thin strip of hair marking the upper lip. The mustache is narrow, small and thin, and it gives the impression that it was drawn with a pencil. In order to maintain it, it must be trimmed every two days. This style is very fashionable at the moment.
For a mustache style impeccable, you will first have to start shaving your face, use an ecological razor made in France Caliquo. It is essential to have a clean face so that the hairs are all the same length when they grow. If you feel like it, take a look at our page on the razor .
How to trim a handlebar mustache?
The handlebar mustache, originality in every way.
To be able to trim a handlebar mustache, you absolutely must keep only the hairs above your upper lip. Then, with scissors, trim the part under the nose neatly and regularly and with the clippers, trim the moustache at a downward angle. The cleaner the contours of the moustache, the more successful it will be.
Only the ends should not be cut, after all it depends on the desired length.
As soon as the handlebar mustache trimming step is ok, it's time for the wax! You have to put some on the entire mustache and it's up to you to see the style you want to give it at the end.
Caliquo is a French brand that produces eco-responsible everyday items.
Our rechargeable toothbrushes , our children's toothbrushes , our razor and our shaving brush .