Furoshiki, the new art of wrapping your gifts

Adopt the furoshiki for your gifts

A new art has just appeared, that of folding and tying fabric to wrap a gift.


What is furoshiki?

Furoshiki or "fabric origami" is a technique from Japan, used by the Japanese even before the arrival of the plastic bag. It is a method of folding and tying reusable fabric to wrap a gift or object in order to protect and transport it.

The furoshiki will embellish your gifts with its different choices of colors, patterns, fabrics but also folding depending on the shape of the object. In addition, it is a zero waste packaging method since the goal is to reuse the fabric each time. The furoshiki is practical, aesthetic and ecological!

What fabric to use for a furoshiki?

There is no specific fabric to make your furoshiki , you can choose silk, linen, hemp, synthetic etc... it's up to you to make your choice according to your tastes and desires. The main thing is that you must choose a fabric that is not too transparent and neither too thick nor too thin in order to facilitate the folding and tying of your furoshiki . To stay in this zero waste approach, you can also give new life to an old piece of clothing or a scarf by using it as a future furoshiki !

Once you have chosen the fabric, you just have to cut it into squares between 50cm and 70cm for small objects. If your gift is larger, you can increase the size of your furoshiki without any problem. It's up to you to master the packaging afterwards.

A Christmas furoshiki is more eco-friendly

During the Christmas period, a lot of wrapping paper is thrown in the trash and it is not recyclable, only kraft is. So to limit this waste during this holiday season, it is better to opt for reusable packaging, that is to say the furoshiki . You can have fun wrapping your gifts with the customization of your choice without creating waste. Opting for the Christmas furoshiki is doing something for the planet.

How to fold a furoshiki?

There are several furoshiki wrapping techniques, but let's start with the basic wrapping:

  • Place your gift in the center and at an angle of your furoshiki cut into a square.
  • Fold the two opposite sides over each other and press them together underneath the gift.
  • Fold the other two opposite sides together and tie a knot.
  • Take the ends of the fabric that are sticking out from the first tightening and make a knot slightly offset from the other one.

Your furoshiki is ready to be offered!

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