The anatomy of the tooth

Everything you need to know about teeth

Origin of the human tooth and its evolution

Teeth appeared about 450 million years ago in the Gnathostomata, the ancestors of jawed vertebrates. At that time, the teeth were nothing like the ones we know today. They were arranged regularly all over the body. It is through evolution that these teeth gradually migrated inside the mouths of our distant ancestors. Then the jaws and teeth gradually adapted to the diets of different species. Mammals thus benefited from lower and upper teeth . They diversified, forming the different types of teeth that humans have.

Tooth anatomy: what are the types of teeth and their roles?

The most well-known role of teeth is to prepare for digestion. The incisors allow food to be cut and then shredded by the canines. The canine is a tooth that is found particularly in carnivores and its size varies from one species to another. You will now understand the disproportionate size of vampire canines. Finally, chewing is carried out using the molars.

Another important role of teeth and phonetics. Indeed the teeth allow a better pronunciation accompanied by the tongue and lips.

Teeth have an aggressive and defensive use, in some animals they will form horns. Indeed, horns are mostly incisors (in elephants) or canines (in wild boars)

Aesthetics is also an important role of teeth in humans. It is nice to see a beautiful smile. That is why you should take care of your teeth.


Tooth anatomy: development and number of teeth

We are all born without teeth . It is during the growth of the infant, around 6 months, that they begin to grow. They generally fall out from the age of 6 to make way for permanent teeth. There are 20 baby teeth ; 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars.

Permanent teeth often begin to appear with a first molar. Then come the incisors. Around the age of 12, the second molars come in and it is from the age of 17 that the third molars or wisdom teeth grow to form a beautiful set of 32 teeth .

It is necessary from childhood, to start taking care of your oral hygiene in order to prevent tartar and other infections. Think of Caliquo who offer you to take care of your teeth throughout your life. We are a French manufacturer of eco-responsible toothbrushes with interchangeable heads. Come and discover our range of toothbrushes for adults but also for children.  

If you were interested in this article on the anatomy of teeth, we invite you to consult this one on all tooth numbering .

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