Ivy Laundry Detergent
What is ivy laundry detergent?
We often talk to you about homemade laundry detergent, but do you know what ivy laundry detergent is?
Homemade laundry detergent is eco-friendly, but have you thought about cutting costs? You need some ingredients that you find in stores. While ivy you find in nature.
Why ivy?
The wild ivy that you find on your trees or in forests contains seponins (an aqueous solution that foams when simply shaken).
Ivy won't cost you anything except a little family walk or just to get some fresh air. Ivy grows all year round all over France, so there's no excuse not to go out and pick some.
For ivy laundry you will simply need the leaves.
How to make your own ivy laundry detergent?
Ingredients :
- 50 leaves (approximately) of freshly picked climbing ivy
- 1 L of water
Homemade Ivy Laundry Detergent Recipe
- Clean the ivy leaves with cold water
- Squeeze out the leaves
- Crumple the leaves by placing them in a saucepan
- Add the 1L of water with a lid
- Let it heat until boiling.
- Leave on the heat for 15 minutes after boiling.
- Turn off the heat and leave to cool for at least 5 hours with the lid on.
- Filter your laundry
- Pour it into a container that you will use daily for your machines.
The detergent can be stored for up to 1 month in a cool place. Don't be afraid of the dark color! Ivy detergent will not stain your clothes.
I advise you to use it like a normal detergent, a small dose is enough for each machine.
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