opt for zero waste

relearn zero waste

Have you ever thought about the amount of waste you produce every day? To give you an idea, a person produces several hundred kilos of waste per year, and it's scary for the future of our planet. The situation must change, and it has already started with the zero waste concept. If you are unaware of this approach, we will make a point of explaining it to you right away.

What is meant by zero waste?

We are now aware of the environmental impacts of our consumption patterns, the consequences are harmful and irreversible. To change our daily habits, we have seen zero waste appear in recent years. It is a concept and an ecological movement that is gaining momentum all over the world. Its objective is to reduce waste production in the home as much as possible. To do this, we must reconsider consumption. But zero waste also means integrating recycling into our lifestyle.

The benefits of zero waste

Zero waste is an environmental approach that involves reducing waste, but it is also very beneficial for our wallet and our health. Here are all the good reasons that will encourage you to adopt this approach right away.

  • To save money : Packaging and wrapping of food, cosmetics, toys, electronic equipment, etc. have a cost, it represents between 10 and 40% of the price of the product. So, isn't buying unpackaged items in bulk a great financial advantage?
  • To simplify life : Our consumption habits mean that we take out the trash twice a week, but by opting for reusable items, the time saving is significant even if we don't realize it. Besides, wouldn't it be easier to put the cutlery and glasses in the dishwasher after a party than to go to the supermarket to buy disposable plates and cups? To avoid the hassle and to get straight to the point, adopt zero waste .
  • For less pollution : Packaging generates several wastes during its life, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. When you buy toothpaste, you do not always think about the resources mobilized to manufacture its plastic container, it is very energy-intensive. Opting for the zero waste approach means limiting pollution.
  • For the respect of the body : By adopting zero waste , you will have a healthier body in every sense of the word. This concept comes with a broader vision of our consumption mode where there is no longer room for industrial products and pesticides. Also, it is the assurance of a healthy mind, because it participates in the rise of short circuits, organic foods and sustainable and ethical purchases.

To gradually enter the zero waste approach, you are invited to discover the Caliquo store. This French brand offers different alternatives for less waste in the bathroom such as its toothbrushes with interchangeable heads, its razors and its ear cleaners made of European noble wood...

Our rechargeable toothbrushes , our children's toothbrushes , our razor and our shaving brush .