why the zero waste store?

the zero waste shop

So that each of us can consume differently, more responsibly and more respectfully of the environment, zero waste shops like Caliquo have emerged. These are stores specially dedicated to the sale of products without disposable packaging, in bulk and from organic and local farming. Every little gesture counts, and these zero waste shops bring together all healthy and eco-friendly products and make them easily accessible to everyone.

The concept of zero waste stores

Changing your lifestyle by opting for the zero waste approach requires a change in our lifestyle habits and our way of consuming. This approach is simplified by reusable and packaging-free products. But the ecological concept also highlights local and national brands. Zero waste boutiques have appeared in order to present us with several alternatives to definitively ban packaging and single-use plastic objects. In addition to offering products that are good for our health and our planet, zero waste boutiques also give very good advice and tips for getting started with this concept. To lighten your trash and to consume differently without complicating your life, Caliquo, this store stamped "zero waste", manufactures and sells sustainable, reusable, washable, compostable and French-made products. They are plastic-free, and they will simplify your zero waste daily life and allow you to have a more minimalist lifestyle.

Zero waste at home

Thanks to the zero waste boutique , everyone can limit waste in the bathroom, because it is important to know that this is the room that is most often singled out when it comes to plastic pollution. Thus, the trash can is filled with cotton buds, bottles and disposable plastic razors... For the least waste, the French brand Caliquo offers you less polluting alternatives such as ear cleaners and razors made of European noble wood, toothbrushes with interchangeable heads with bioplastic handles... these are sustainable, reusable and ecological products. These committed zero waste boutiques that act every day to preserve our planet and our health also offer washable intimate towels for women, washable makeup remover pads... Babies are not left behind with washable diapers and wipes. For the kitchen, we find eco-responsible alternatives such as reusable fabric bags, utensils made of sustainable materials... only products that promise to last as long as possible.

Adopting zero waste on a daily basis is a global awareness of the urgency of the situation with plastic, the state of the oceans and seas, climate change, etc. But everyone is always free to change their habits at their own pace and in their own way in order to create the society of tomorrow. Small ecological gestures allow yourself to live fully and build the world you want to have tomorrow. So, try the adventure with zero waste boutiques like Caliquo.

Caliquo is a French brand that produces eco-responsible everyday items.

Our rechargeable toothbrushes , our children's toothbrushes , our razor and our shaving brush .