All-terrain electric scooter

Why write an article about an all-terrain electric scooter?

First of all, to say that for me, it's never in my life that I ride something for teenagers; I prefer to break down with my old Peugeot 103 that goes 60 km/h downhill. In fact, I took care of making a gift for a 37-year-old friend who still reads Picsou Magazine. You get the idea. After all, the guy is pretty comfortable in his own skin if you put aside the fact that he rides an electric scooter. We were supposed to give him a joint gift and it ended up being an all-terrain electric scooter. So I studied the thing a bit and seeing that electric scooters are popping up everywhere like weeds, I thought that for a first article it might interest you.

Which all-terrain electric scooter should I buy?

So first, I'll tell you the one we bought for him. Our constraints were: price, top speed, the possibility of putting a saddle so he could sit his big ass down and the speed of charging the battery. My personal constraints, since I was in charge of the purchase for the group: a product with a lot of recent and positive reviews on Amazon, find the product on Amazon to be sure of fast delivery and to be able to exchange it quickly if necessary.

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The full article can be found here: all-terrain electric scooter