Soft soap - Natural solid soap

Why choose a gentle and natural soap?

THE soap is a flagship product of our daily life for our skin. We use it to wash our body as well as the face , and under its different forms . Today, it has become essential to know the soap that we apply to our skin, in order to protect . The mild soap perhaps a good alternative to the traditional products used. Would you like to know more about the subject? So why should you choose a mild soap?


First of all, what is a mild soap? What is the difference between a mild soap and a traditional soap? Well firstly, mild soap is a soap that washes your skin without harming it . Your skin will come out soft and protected . The particularity of mild soap is its composition and the ingredients used which are harmless to the skin .! You can even find it in two forms: liquid or solid . This choice can be made according to your preferences and criteria, but it is always good to know that solid soap is often more ecological and economical!

The liquid mild soap

THE liquid soap is probably the most widespread across the shelves of our supermarkets. Consumers perceive it as more practical in terms of its use but also its conservation. However, thousands of bottles of liquid soap are purchased every day while thousands more are thrown away. Liquid soaps are generally composed of fat and potassium hydroxide , as well as water in very large quantities , which reduces their shelf life . In order to keep them longer, conservatives are added.

The soft solid soap

THE solid soap is usually composed of fats and sodium hydroxide . It is more economic than a liquid soap because it has a longer life span and one lower cost price (depending on the brand). In addition, solid soap is known as better for skin because he contains fewer toxic substances . Finally, it is also much more ecological , sold with simple cardboard packaging or without, in a totally ecological approach. Zero waste is a way of life which consists of reduce our waste production as much as possible in the world. Its goal is not to completely eliminate the waste we produce, but to move towards zero waste.


  • Cleanses the skin without attacking it . This is why mild soap is so famous. Indeed, it acts both as a cleaner, moisturizer and softening . All without attacking your skin and in removing impurities.

  • Suitable for sensitive skin. This is one of the special features of mild soap. While people with sensitive skin can quickly feel desperate about which product to use, the mild soap is the solution. In particular, it allows you to no longer attack the skin, but on the contrary, to soften and moisturize it .

  • Can be used on the body, but also on the face. The mild soap is a versatile product , it can be used on all parts of your body, even the most sensitive ones. So you can use it on your whole body, including hands and feet , but also on the face.

  • Softens and soothes the skin. Indeed, the mild soap lives up to its name! It gives your skin a feeling of softness , while bringing other benefits such as protection and hydration.

  • Gives the appearance of clearer skin. Apply a mild soap to your skin every day during your beauty routine, your skin will be healthy .


Mild soap is for everyone ! Whether you are a man, a woman, or even a child , the gentle soap will conquer you and make you more beautiful. Even the pregnant women can use a mild soap, provided that there are no certain essential oils in its composition. It can be applied not only on the body but also on the face . The skin of the face is a fragile part, that is why you should not apply just any product to it. Use mild soap to clean your facial skin without damaging it . Mild soap is especially suitable for people with sensitive skin , but everyone can use it, regardless of their skin type.

For sensitive skin

In fact, mild soap is known to be suitable for sensitive skin . No more irritations and/or other problems, your skin is gently cleansed and moisturized . Prefer mild soaps containing nourishing agents (such as vegetable oil or butter) like CALIQUO's mild soap which contains organic shea butter. Also opt for handmade soaps , they contain much less of harmful ingredients and toxins. Also prefer a cold saponified soap , which is a gentle and manual manufacturing method , respectful of nature and ingredients . This cold method allows, among other things, preserve the vegetable oils used and their components , and produce naturally glycerin. For sensitive skin we recommend using soap once a day, no more, for example in the evening. In the morning, cleaning your face with a hydrosol may be sufficient.

For acne-prone skin

Choosing a mild soap can help improve the condition of your skin if you have Acne . Acne, which forms when your pores become clogged with dirt and dead skin, can be very annoying. It causes pimples, blackheads and whiteheads , which can quickly turn into a real complex . Acne can usually be treated with medication (prescription or non-prescription), but Mild soap can be a good complement . In fact, mild soap has proven effective for people with acne, who have noticed an improvement after using it. This can be explained in particular by the fact that The mild soap does not contain harmful ingredients such as perfume or alcohol, so it will avoid damaging the skin which is already weakened by acne .

For itchy skin

If you have any diseases such as psoriasis or eczema , or simply the dry skin , it is likely that your skin is itchy . Using a mild soap to wash your face and/or body will help you minimize this itching . Your skin will also be less dry because mild soap acts as an emollient , that is, a non-cosmetic moisturizer . Try to avoid more aggressive products, such as cleansers, makeup, industrial moisturizers, which aggravate the problem and prolong the itching depending on the compositions.

For skin redness

It happens to everyone to have redness of the skin from time to time, for no particular reason Or after applying a product . This may be because the product is too aggressive for your skin type and that you react badly to it. It is also sometimes possible that you are allergic to an ingredient used in the product in question. By opting for mild soap, you opt for transparency . All the ingredients used are generally natural and highlighted. In addition, Mild soap helps reduce skin redness and irritation .

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